Area #03 The wider context

[ Understanding and engaging with legislation, policies and standards ]

Within the last few years, I witnessed an increasing amount of students who express some concerns about Intellectual Property and, very recently, about their personal branding. Also, another interest has been to deal with students who consider themselves as digital native in spite of their lack of understanding and practice of online tools and their low project and time management skills. To me, and to summarise all the concerns, there are three key important factors to mention in terms of wider online learning and teaching in Aotearoa–New Zealand:
¬ The Waitangi Treaty, which, extremely succinctly, consists of acknowledging Māori organisation and culture and, by extension, to live and work inclusively.
¬ The public challenge of online experience and collaboration, and the awareness of differences as well as good ethical conduct.
¬ The Creative Commons (CC) licensing, that protect ideas along with precluding plagiarism.

Additionally, the Tertiary Education Strategy 2014-19 sets out the Government’s long-term strategic direction for tertiary education in New Zealand.

This strategy highlights the need to build international relationships that contribute to improved competitiveness, support business and innovation through development of relevant skills and research and improve outcomes for all. The first steps to achieving these shifts are outlined in the strategy’s 6 priorities
retrieved from the online report

Since 2014, I personally more focussed on the three following:
Priority 1 – Delivering skills for industry
Priority 6 – Growing international linkages
Priority 3 – Boosting achievement of Māori and Pasifika

Please note also that prior this strategy plan, in 2012, we (Shirley Allan, Dan Mace, and myself) were amongst the pioneers to engage rangatahi (teenagers/youth in Māori) with mobile filmmaking through a project named HONO (to connect in Māori).

Because of the nature of the subject, evidence are not easy to provide, especially in terms of Waitangi Treaty, however here is an attempt:
¬ Auckland University of Technology’s website
¬ the succesful completion of the Being a Supervisor at AUT: Expectations, Roles & Responsabilities (2015)
¬ Creative Commons Road Trip

Lastly, I have recently by credited the following:
¬ AUTEC Reference number 16/71, approved by the Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee (AUTEC) on 14 March 2016, for a research project called “#mobime: implementing a creative curriculum design framework”. Following is the summary:

The research project aims to evaluate a framework for the design of new teaching and learning strategies within the Colab curriculum that enhance student creativity, digital literacies, and the development of student professional online identities to prepare them for participation within authentic global communities of practice. The framework explores the use of student-owned devices (BYOD) and the establishment of student-owned eportfolios consisting of a collection of social media platforms. The framework models the professional use of these social media platforms by lecturers/researchers and also models active participation within a community of practice, whereby the lecturers/researchers invite students to form global teams to collaborate on design projects. The project draws on the expertise of a technology steward (Dr Thomas Cochrane from the Centre for Learning And Teaching) to support the lecturers/researchers and students in building a professional social media e-portfolio and skillset, and developing an on going community of practice among the Colab lecturers to refine the curriculum design framework.

More details upon request at AUTEC.

To address the cited issues, this year, I started to use some online project management tools such as Trello, Asana and/or Slack as well as dedicated some time during our face-to-face sessions to discuss about CC and the online tactics to timely manage a degree of anonymity while owning a public profile or account. This year also, I just submitted an article mLearning and Creative practices: a public challenge? in the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) and I look forward to hear from the readers.

In terms of further understanding policies and government perspective, I am in the process to apply to present a paper at the TEU Symposium, which will discuss “Models of Tertiary Education” in relation to innovation and productivity in the New Zealand tertiary education system. Even if the paper is rejected, I will be attending the symposium.

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(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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